Specialist Painting Group is a specialist contractor supplying and installing a wide range of high performance epoxy resin and polyurethane flooring solutions. With a highly skilled team of directly employed operatives we are able to monitor and maintain our high standards through extensive training and education. We have technical knowledge and experience in supplying our clients with a comprehensive turnkey service, from specification through to installation.
With all surface protection and upgrade the most important element of the project is preparation.
During the preparation stages all cement Laitance, existing coats and surface contamination must be removed prior to any system being installed. Techniques such as blastracking, scarification, abrasion, and diamond grinding are all utilised to ensure any surface is capable of binding to a new flooring system.
Any flooring system will fail if the existing substrate is not prepared to specification - we create safe, durable and hygienic working environments.
SPG Head Office
Padholme Road East